Let's help Big Sky Sanctuary!

Let's help Big Sky Sanctuary!


Big Sky Sanctuary is a small sanctuary for rescued animals located in West Gippsland, Victoria. They’re a self-funded Sanctuary run by three amazingly awesome founders who have dedicated their lives to spreading the vegan message and providing their residents with the very best of love and care.
These guys all have jobs in addition to spending their time to keep everything running, now that’s gotta be pretty full on! They are committed to ensuring there’s enough money to provide the residents with the highest level of care, and a big part of this is veterinary care – both preventative and emergency. It has become evident that this constitutes, by far, the biggest expense of running the Sanctuary, and now at 12 months old they have launched an inaugural “Big Sky Sanctuary Annual Vet Care Appeal” to raise funds so that all of the residents can receive the care that they need – and we want to help!


So until July 17th The Vegan Box will donate $5 from EVERY purchase made on our website to Big Sky Sanctuary.
You can read all about Big Sky Sanctuary, and make your own direct donation via their chuffed page (with some great perks!) via http://www.facebook.com/bigskysanctuarybandb.

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