Welcome to the Vegan Box team Avalon!

Welcome to the Vegan Box team Avalon!

Today I get to introduce you to another new member of The Vegan Box team, the super adorable Avalon Llewellyn.

Avalon is our ‘teen vegan’ blogger, she is 14 and lives in Sydney, Australia. We asked Avalon about her vegan journey…..

I went vegan when I was 13 years old however my love of animals started when I was a young girl. I was 2 years old I found a frog under our door mat. I sat there for hours watching this little creature. It fascinated me; how we were not the only beings on this earth. This love of animals grew as I got older.

Avalon & the frog under the doormat

From a young age I learnt compassion to all creatures. However one day I watched a documentary called Meat The Truth which was a documentary about the environmental impact meat had on the world. This sparked something little in my mind, a little branch in the right direction. After researching the impact meat had I decided (consulting with my parents) to go vegetarian. However it wasn’t enough. The peace maker, the earth and animal lover in me were calling out. How could I be a earth lover if I was still contributing to the Amazon Rainforest destruction? How could I be an animal lover if I contributed to the death of thousands of calves and chicks every year?

So I followed my heart and went vegan.

Animals on farms around Australia are currently treated badly. I cannot sugar coat it, tell you everything will be alright. Humane slaughter is an oxymoron. As a lover of animals I could not and will not contribute to the unnecessary slaughter of animals. I will not contribute to the exploitation of animals. Animals are sentient beings with emotions and feelings. They did not give consent. As a vegan I believe that they are entitled to their own lives. They are on this earth with us not for us. We must learn to live amongst our animal friends.

I love the world. I love nature. I consider myself an urban hippie. It is in my soul. When I cook (not that I can cook to save my life) I cook with whole, organic, vegan products. After going vegan I found out more and more about the blessed earth around us. I found out that one hamburger require 660 gallons of water to produce (equivalent to 2 months worth of showers).

I am a travel lover as well; not that I travel a lot. I am a) too poor and b) I am only 14. This fact sold me to veganism: Animal agriculture is responsible for 91% of Amazon Rainforest destruction. I want to see the Amazon Rainforest when I am older but how can I if it is all gone?

These are just some of the reasons why I am vegan. We must act today for the children of tomorrow. We must teach the children of tomorrow kindness and compassion before it is too late.

Currently I spend my days either reading, blogging, eating (always eating) and sleeping. If I am not doing any of those you will find me in the pool. I’m a competitive swimmer and I exercise a lot. I have a general hatred of eggplant and dates and a infinite love of tomatoes, kale and raspberries. I am also a yoga wannabe even though I practice yoga about once a year and I have a strong relationship with any form of tea that presents itself to me.

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You can get to know more about Avalon by checking out her instagram and tumblr

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