Let's help some wombats! 

Let's help some wombats! 

Some very adorable wombats URGENTLY need help! We’re donating $5 from every Vegan Box purchased for the next 24hrs to The Wombat Awareness Organisation (WAO), to help with their gigantic move…..

The Southern Hairy Nosed Wombat, South Australia’s faunal emblem, is under threat as the key guardians in their plight for protection, the WAO, are being forced to relocate the safe haven they have leased, built and maintained to keep them alive.

Brigitte Stevens, one of Australian wildlife expert Steve Irwin’s prodigies, is the founder of registered charity Wombat Awareness Organisation, a non-profit charity, raising awareness of the plight of the Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat. By monitoring wild populations and identifying issues causing distress to the animals, environment or community, we then focus on developing kind, holistic in-situ treatment programs to provide relief. We are dedicated to caring about our wombat

Brigitte has invested her entire life savings to rescue and house these much beloved little marsupials over the last 10 years, and is now in dire straits, needing to move on from the current leased site in Callington, S.A with no cash in the bank and no funds with which to relocate. After years of running the entire organisation on a shoe string, its become necessary to let the Australian public know of their predicament.

With the lease expiring, a lack of funds and the urgent need to have the necessary facilities and relocate these wombats to made man burrows as they settle into new surrounds and of course the limited time, there is a significant fear they will not complete the 500 metres of fence lines and man made transfer burrows to house the marsupials.

So head on over to www.theveganbox.com and preorder our May Box, $5 will go straight to the WAO! Or be a legend and make a bigger donation here – http://www.chuffed.org/project/wombatssoontobehomeless

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